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About Randy's Ministry

Throughout his life Randy LaCoste was a passionate man. He was especially passionate about his faith. For decades he was a devoted Sunday school teacher that touched the lives of many around him.


Randy became a beloved teacher and mentor to so many, he had a consistent drive to study scripture paired with a true gift to share the gospel. 


This site is a place where all of his teachings finally come together in one organized collection to be accessible and available to everyone.


Randy has left a beautiful legacy that comes clearly from the Father's heart and through his teachings. 


We hope you find these as useful and edifying as so many others did through the years and surely will in the ones to come.


Randy LaCoste started teaching the Word of God when he was a teenager.  He accepted the call of salvation as a child; was baptized in the Holy Spirit at 12; and began teaching Sunday school at age 14 at Moffett Road Assembly of God, in Mobile, Alabama.  After high school, he attended college on a football scholarship and graduated from Livingston University with a degree in civil engineering.  While in college, he kept his Bible with him everywhere he went.  He witnessed to his peers and encouraged them in the Word.


He met his wife, Brenda Tucker, while at Livingston.  She tells the story of first meeting him on the school courtyard.  The first thing she noticed was that he had a Bible under his arm.  Brenda said she had never seen a student walking around carrying their Bible to every class.  Randy and Brenda began dating shortly after meeting.  They married in 1968, had 2 kids and 7 grandchildren. 


As an adult, Randy taught Sunday school in three churches (First Assembly of God, Winchester, VA; Knollwood Assembly, Mobile, AL; and Moffett Road Assembly of God).  He typically taught in series and was well known for his teachings on the End Times, Dispensational Truths, and Archetypes in the Bible.


Randy passed in 2017, but his legacy and love of God's Word remain. 

Thank You


For consistently setting an example for us of how to be children of God and students of His Holy Word.  For years growing up, we watched you in the early hours of the morning, praying and interceding, crying out to God.  Our mornings began with seeing you studying the Bible.  And at the end of each day, you and Mom would pray over us before we went to sleep.  If an issue or concern arose, you drew us to you and offered up the prayer of faith.  Because of your example, we now as adults, have a hunger for God’s Word.  Because we heard you speak to the Father and hear from Him, we too approach the throne of God with an expectation that we are heard, but more importantly, that we will hear from Him.  It was you who taught us that. Romans 10:17 tells us that “Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Thankfully, we have heard the Word of God from you our entire lives and our faith has increased because of it.  Our prayer now is that not only will our own children grow up with the same appreciation and admonition of God’s Word, but that others will hear your teachings and will come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior.



We love and miss you, but we have the great hope of Heaven and a shared eternity,


Wendy and Vince

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